Develop and Maintain a "Live Safe" Lifestyle
This course is designed specifically for college bound women. It is an intensive 3 ½ day course that helps to prepare the student for living away from home for the first time within the relative security of a college setting. A combination of class room and scenario based training develops some of the necessary tools to develop a live safe life style. The following topics are covered by a diverse group of people with topic specific experience and knowledge. The class is predominately hands on and will require active participation in scenario based training. It is impossible to simulate pure violence in a safe setting, those two ideas cannot coexist. But one can prepare and participate in training the will help to mitigate or deal with such an attack. An assault on your personal safety comes in many forms and in varying degrees of intensity. Much of our training is oriented towards avoiding and reducing these threats. Unlike typical “Martial Arts” self defense program and many other “rape defense” programs that focus on specific striking and fighting techniques our mission is to consider and practice a full complement of methods to make fighting a last resort. Sometimes that situation is unavoidable and this course covers that topic with hands on training. The hands on self defense training techniques are based on traditional Hapkido and Hankido. Two frequently used words are training and practicing, you have to have both to develop the needed skills. There is no training that represents a real situation, but training has to be as realistic as possible. That requires some degree of honesty and understanding when performing this type of training. Our training is conducted in a realistic setting with the necessary props. There are rooms; hallways, cars and many other props that are need to properly conduct training. Our facility has lighting control, sound distraction and other types of environmental controls to aid in providing a more realistic experience. This program is about developing and maintaining a Live Safe Lifestyle.